E i c o n B D


Free Bulk SMS

Ideal solution for Test

$0.00Save 100%

$ 0.00 /mo
  • 1 Device
  • 100 Credits
  • Limited Send
  • Contacts 100
  • 30 Days self demo account

Advance Bulk SMS

Promote Your Business For SMS Marketing

BDT 15000Save 75%

BDT 5000 /mo
  • Unlimited Bulk SMS
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Unlimited Contact lists
  • SMS can be sent from any site using API.
  • send Flash SMS and Long SMS
  • Send bulk MMS
  • Lifetime License

eSMS Features

Bulk SMS Cement from own mobile number. You will be amazed at how this works.

You will be amazed at how this works.

Flash SMS

Flash SMS (sometimes also called Flash Messages) are a special kind of SMS. They are displayed directly on the recipient's screen without the recipient having to open them.

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Bulk SMS

Use Your Phone Number To Provide OTP SMS For Your API to number for verification purpose, Provide OTP from your own mobile number, OTP can do any type of bulk SMS marketing.

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1-Click Send Bulk SMS

You will be able to send unlimited SMS from your Excel file data, it will reach everyone in a moment, which will save you time.

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Easy Bulk SMS Management

It does not require any modem, just activate an app on the mobile to work on the web account, so it is very easy to manage.

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USSD requests

It also supports sending USSD requests. You will be able to send it using web panel or API. All the responses resulted from USSD requests will be visible in web panel. You can read responses using the API, or you can also subscribe to webhook to read it as soon as they arrive.

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Receive SMS messages Web panel

Ability to receive SMS messages in the Web Panel and respond to them using a WebHook. You can also activate the ability to receive SMS messages directly in your email

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  • Bulk SMS API

    Send SMS from your application developed using any programming.

  • Send bulk messages,

    Use CSV or Excel file containing numbers to send bulk messages.

  • Send bulk MMS, Extremely Fas

    It supports sending MMS too. You can send normal text messages as MMS or you can also attach image files with your messages.

  • sending USSD requests

    It also supports sending USSD requests. You will be able to send it using web panel or API.

  • traditional and QR Code sign in

    You can log in into the mobile app using the QR code or by entering your credentials manually.

  • Tracks message status

    Shows status of messages sent using SMS Gateway in Web Panel.

  • Multi-language support

    Any language SMS Send Option Bangla And English Etc.

  • Receive SMS messages in web Panel

    Ability to receive SMS messages in the Admin Panel and respond to them using a WebHook.

Trusted by Clients and Video Video Tutorial

Bangladesh To Bulk SMS Send, How To Send Bulk SMS, web portal To Send SMS, web portal To Send Bulk SMS, How To Send Bulk SMS Self Number, Online To Sned SMS Free, Unlimited Free SMS, Global Bulk SMS.

Frequently Asked Questions?

How it works, how much it costs, how long it can be used, how much it saves, etc., answer all your questions.

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eSMS কি?

👉 EiconBD এর একট প্রোডাক্ট াল্ক এসএমএ যেটির াম eSMS (আমাদে যাত্রা আজ ৮ বছর+)
eSMS টি কিভাবে কজ করে?
এটি একট ওয়ব সফটও়্যা যেটি িয়ে িজের একউন্টের মাধযমে একটি বা কাধিক ডিভাস কানেক্ট কে কোন বাড়ত খরচ ছাড়া বল্ক এসএমএস াঠানো যায়, eSMS সফটয়্যার থেক বাল্ক এসএমস বা API to OTP পাাবে যেটি আপার সিম কার্ থেকে সেন্ড বে তাই কোনো বা়তি খরচ হবে া,
💫 eSMS িভাবে একাউনট করে এবং কভাবে ডিভাইস কানেক্ট করে?
👉 একাউ্ করতে হলে প্থমে আপনাে যতে হবে আমাদর ওয়েবাইট অথবা আনি গুল থেক সার্চ করেও যেতে পারবেন, EiconBD eSMS eSMS: https://sms.eiconbd.com/
👉 এখানে লগইন করার অপশন পাবেন পনার যদি পূ্বে ্যাকাউন্ট থেকে থাকে তবে ইমেইল এং পসওয়ার্ড দিয়ে সাইন ন রতে পারবে, আর যি একাউন্ট ন াকে তবে রেজ্টার এ ক্লক করে রেজিসটা করে নিন
👉 আপনা নাম এবং ইমেল এডরেস দি এবং এই ইমেইল এড্েস কনফার্ম মেইল দিয়ে েজি্টার এ কলি করুন,
আপনার দেও়া এই মেইল এ্রেসে একটি েইল চলে যাব সই ইমেইলে গই করার (ইমেইল এবং পাসওয়া্ড) ফুল ্যাকসেস পেয়ে যাবেন সাথে সাথে, এবং এটি অ্াপ ডানলোড কার লংক পাবে। অ্যপ ডউনলোড কর ইস্টল করুন এং আপনার একান্ট লগইন করন। কিআর কোড স্ক্ান রে লগইন করত পারবেন, এবং আপনার মইল আইডি এবং াসওয়ার্ড িয়ে ও গইন রতে পারেন মোালে লগইন কর পরে পারমিশ ুলো অ্যালউ রে দিন,
👉 এর পরে পন ওয়েব পর্টল থেকে াল্ক সএমএস এর সকল সার্িস ব্যাবহা করতে পারবে। ্রতে ব্যাবহা করে আমাদের ানাতে পারে পনার কোন সরভিস টি লাবে eSMS Video Tutorial

Bulk messaging is the dissemination of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile phone terminals. It is used by media companies, banks and other enterprises and consumer brands for a variety of purposes including entertainment, enterprise and mobile marketing Video Tutorial

SMS marketing can be done through any device (mobile, laptop, PC etc.) from anywhere in the world with web panel. All over Bangladesh, we are offering SMS Web panels at the lowest price. You can send this SMS to any number. Bengali, English supports 2 types of messages. You can send Flash SMS and Long SMS through this software. You will be able to send SMS at scheduled time with scheduled date-time. No modem is required in this case. SMS can be sent from any site using API.Live Test eSMS Create A Account. Click

SMS marketing can be done through any device (mobile, laptop, PC etc.) from anywhere in the world with web panel. All over Bangladesh, we are offering SMS Web panels at the lowest price. You can send this SMS to any number. Bengali, English supports 2 types of messages. You can send Flash SMS and Long SMS through this software. You will be able to send SMS at scheduled time with scheduled date-time. No modem is required in this case. SMS can be sent from any site using API.
*Send bulk messages *Send bulk MMS *Supports sending USSD requests *SaaS Ready *Resource friendly and Scalable *Works in background *API *Supports very long messages * Supports delay between messages *Supports traditional and QR Code sign in *Tracks message status * Auto responder *Multi-language support *Supports SMS delivery reports *Receive SMS messages in web Panel *Use multiple devices to send faster *Schedule messages *Supports Dual SIM devices Contact lists *Send a message to contact list *Unsubscribe contacts Contacts API *More... here

*Send bulk messages
*Send bulk MMS
*Supports sending USSD requests
*SaaS Ready
*Resource friendly and Scalable
*Works in background
*Supports very long messages
* Supports delay between messages
*Supports traditional and QR Code sign in
*Tracks message status
* Auto responder
*Multi-language support
*Supports SMS delivery reports
*Receive SMS messages in web Panel
*Use multiple devices to send faster
*Schedule messages
*Supports Dual SIM devices Contact lists
*Send a message to contact list
*Unsubscribe contacts Contacts API
*Video Tutorial

Send bulk messages:- Use CSV or Excel file containing numbers to send bulk messages. Receive SMS messages in Admin Panel:- Ability to receive SMS messages in the Admin Panel and respond to them using a WebHook. You can also activate the ability to receive SMS messages directly in your email. Contacts API:- Add contacts or unsubscribe them from the list using the API. Click

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum obcaecati.